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Writer's pictureJon Clash

Debunking Aaron Abke's Gospel Conspiracy

This week I did a 7 hour live stream refuting all of Aaron Abke's claims in his Gospel Conspiracy.

Below I have provided a bunch of resources for each refutation. I have also included the slideshow I used in my video.

Here is a link to the video:

Here are the resources:





Full Pseudo Clementine Literature (Both Recognitions & Homilies)






Against Heresies 3.3.3. Irenaeus:

Ecclesiastical History 3.16:

All these verses either directly or indirectly reference Jesus’s sacrificial death

Verses from Jesus:

Mark 8:31, 10:45

Mark 14:24

Matthew 16:21, 20:28

Matthew 26:28,

John 10:11, 10:17-18, 12:23-24

Luke 9:22, 22:20, 24:26

John 6:51

Here are the apostles discussing Jesus’s sacrifice:

1 Peter 1:18-19, 2:24, 3:18

Peter in Acts – Acts 2:23-24, 3:18-19, 4:10-12, 10:39-43

1 John 2:2, 4:10



Information on alleged Vatican Dead Sea Scroll coverup:

Article stating the Vatican didn’t receive any scrolls:


Ebionites or the Essenes were not the zealots. The zealots were a specific, well known, Jewish political group. The Essenes isolated themselves from society, the zealots emerged themselves in society and actively participated in violent rebellions.








Gospel of Thomas Info and why it’s not in the Bible:

Multitude of Dating and why it’s not in the Bible:


36 Righteous one’s info: scroll to sdq for Tzadik:ṣbr


Alleged book burning campaign info: book burning

I don’t like using Wikipedia, but you can use this as a springboard to search deeper


Hegesippus is not a Heretic whose books were burned by the Catholic church:


Read Recognitions of Clement:


Antiquities of the Jews - Book XX

Saulus is not Paul. Check the Dates -


Go to Antiquities book 20-chapter 9 section 4 to see Saulus. Then go to section 2. You see the year that Josephus is discussing, and that year is 62 AD. So, this Saulus guy was causing all these problems in 62 AD. That’s almost 30 years after Paul’s conversion on the rode to Damascus.


Essenes were collaborating with King Herod.

Go to book 15 Chapter 10


Was Paul a Herodian?

Romans 16:11 English translations:

Paul is a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin. Here are the verses where Paul identifies himself as being from the tribe of Benjamin:

  1. Romans 11:1

    “I ask, then, has God rejected his people? Absolutely not! For I too am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin.”

  2. Philippians 3:5

    “Circumcised the eighth day; of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born of Hebrews; regarding the law, a Pharisee;”


Christian faith DOES NOT mean blind faith:


Galatians 2:2 translations for Aaron’s “so-called pillars” claim:




Ananias did not become high priest directly after Caiaphas.

According to Josephus

Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book 20, Chapter 1, Section 3 (20.1.3):

Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book 20, Chapter 5, Section 2 (20.5.2):

Josephus, The Jewish War, Book 2, Chapter 17, Section 9 (2.17.9):


Caiaphas (AD 18–36): Known for presiding over the trial of Jesus.

Jonathan son of Ananus (AD 36–37): Briefly served after Caiaphas.

Theophilus son of Ananus (AD 37–41): High priest during Agrippa I’s early reign.

Matthias son of Ananus (AD 41–44): Preceded Joseph son of Camydus.

Joseph son of Camydus (AD 44–47): Immediately before Ananias.


So, you have 5 different high priests before you get to Ananias.


Zealots killed Ananas II and then went on to kill a bunch of innocent people:


I pray these resources help you on your journey.



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